Friday, 29 December 2017

XU, London

Time is running out in 2017 and I’ve realised that there are quite a few places that I visited, and loved, which I haven’t shared any words or pictures. These pics and menu descriptions come from two meals that I’ve enjoyed at Xu – for me, the opening of the year in London.

We’ll be dining with Xu on New Year’s Eve and hope to return as often as possible in 2018!

A Selection of Bak Kwa (綜合肉乾)
Bak Kwa is the Taiwanese or Hokkien name for Jerky. Our Selection includes 40 Day Aged Beef, Spicy Pork, Lamb Jerky with Shallot & Sichuan Relish & Pickles

Tomato & Smoked Eel 鰻魚番茄
Dried Soy Daikon

Chicken Wing 脆皮雞翅
Sanbei Glaze, Caviar

Sweetbreads 炸羊胸腺
Lamb Sweetbreads, Fermented Greens

Cuttlefish Toast 墨魚多士
Cuttlefish & Prawn, Whipped Cod Roe,

Xian Bing 豬肉餡餅
Pan Fried Aged Pork Pancake, Vinegar & Chilli Oi

Taro Dumpling 煎水晶餃
served with Kow Choi Chilli Dressing

Beef Pancake 牛髓夾餅
Shortrib & Bone Marrow. Pickles, Spring Onion, Potato Crumb & Pancakes

Shou Pa Chicken 手扒雞
Chicken with Drippings, Ginger & Spring Onion, White Pepper & Chicken Skin dip

Chilli Egg Drop Crab 蛋花辣蟹
White & Brown Crab meat with Salmon Roe, Egg Drop Sauce, Red Chilli, Fermented Shrimp & Garlic

Grilled Seabass 雙色鱸魚
Grilled Seabass Fillet marinated in Fermented Beancurd, Two Colour Pickled Chilli, Bone Sauce & Grilled Bone Vinegar

Kale & Lap Yuk 甘藍臘肉
Soy Cured Pork, Radish, Tiger Dressing

Seasonal Greens 蒜蓉時蔬
Confit Garlic, Shaoxing Win

Bamboo Chilli Beef Fat Rice 竹葉飯包
Bamboo Wrap, Chi Shiang Rice, Aged Fat, Coriander

Lardo Lard Onion Rice 豬油拌飯

Ma Lai Cake 馬來糕
Steamed Brown Sugar Sponge Cake with Condensed Milk & Orange Butterscotch 

Coal Baked 10 Year Oolong - Shanling River, Taiwan

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