Saturday, 15 October 2016

Lyle’s, London #MichelinStar

Another great meal at one of my favourite restaurants in London. 

Nasturtium, Courgette & Olive Oil

Sourdough, Peas & Tymsboro

Grilled Peach, Chicken Liver, Beans & Almond

Girolles, Chanterelles & Cotswold White Egg

Mackerel, Tomatoes & Lardo

Aylesbury Duck, Cherries & Onion

Blackcurrant Leaf Ice Cream & Blackberries

Date of dinner: 19/08/16

Friday, 14 October 2016

Dinner by Heston #TwoMichelinStars

Meat Fruit (c.1500) – Mandarin, chicken liver parfait & grilled bread

Roast Marrowbone (c.1720) – Snails, parsley, anchovy, mace & pickled vegetables

Rice & Flesh (c.1390) – Saffron, calf tail, red wine & black truffle

Frumenty (c.1390) – Grilled octopus, smoked sea broth, pickled dulse & lovage

Slow Cooked Pork Belly (c.1920) – Pease pudding, bacon & mint oil

Cod in Cider (c.1940) – Chard, onions & smoked artichokes

Tipsy Cake (c.1810) – Spit roast pineapple

Bohemian Cake (c.1890) – Chocolate & yuzu mousse with honey ice cream


Ice Cream Trolley

Chocolate Pot

Date of lunch: 31/08/16

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