Monday, 27 August 2018

Tast, Manchester

Hailed by many as Manchester’s opening of the year, Tast is a Catalan restaurant brought to us by celebrated chef, Paco Pérez. I’d previously eaten at one of Pérez’s two two-Michelin-starred restaurants, Enoteca, in Barcelona see here.  

When I think of the food at Tast, the word that initially comes to mind is ‘fun’. Much of it comes with quirky presentations (e.g.Duck-in Donut) or on wacky crockery (e.g. Anxoves I Escalivada) – there are certainly a lot of Instalicious dishes. Although, not everything ordered was a hit with us, but it’s early days. 

It’s not all style over substance though, some dishes that delivered on flavour as well as delivering on looks included the Arròs de Calamar I Gamba VermellaPresa Ibèrica andthe excellent Tempura de Llobregant.ThePinya, Toffee I Mango is my tip for pud. 

Coca de Vidre amb Tomàquet

Duck-in Donut– Duck liver, white chocolate, raspberry

Sandwich de Formatge Trufat– Tou de til lers cheese, truffle confit

Croqueta de Pernil Ibèric– Iberian ham croquette

Alberginia– Aubergine, anchovy mayo, molasses, sesame

Tempura de Llobregant– Lobster, potatoes, egg, lobster mayo

Tomàquet I Bou de Mar– King crab, tomato, basil

Anxoves I Escalivada– Anchovies, red pepper, garlic

Bao Fricandó– Wagyu brisket fricandó, Bao bread

Pollastre amb Llangostinos– Chicken drum sticks, tiger prawns

Arròs de Calamar I Gamba Vermella– Rice, red prawns, squid, codium mayo

Presa Ibèrica– Iberian pork presa, potatoes, demi glace

Pinya, Toffee I Mango– Pineapple, toffee, mango, sage

Xuixo de Crema I Xcocolata– Puff pastry, custard, dark chocolate

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