Wednesday 30 December 2015

Given up blogging to learn to play drums!

You can’t beat a good meal and, since starting this blog, I've enjoyed my hobby of writing about many of them that I've enjoyed. 

The thing is, my wife bought me a drum kit for Christmas and learning the jazz ride cymbal pattern and how to paradiddle-diddle has taken up much of my time over the last few days. 

With a new hobby to keep me out of trouble, I’ve decided to take a break from writing "detailed" blog posts. I’ll still be eating food so will continue to tweet and may put a few pics on here from time to time but don’t expect all the usual twaddle.

Thanks folks!


  1. Para para diddle, para para diddle

  2. very sorry to see the day, best wishes on those drums!

  3. Oh what a shame!!!

    From 'youngest stepdaughter'

  4. On the other hand, in order to drum gently whilst still being pick up everything you tend to be playing, you'll want to plug in a few very good earbuds. This can also assist you to focus on trails when you perform.

  5. Thanks for a great blog, I've enjoyed reading it over the years. Best of luck with the drums.

  6. I only look at a couple of blogs mate so don't give up totally. ...just stick the pics up and a brief description. I know how much time it takes and I'm currently about 20 posts behind. ..I'm still on July 2015 posts.


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